- Korean language EPS TOPIK PBT/CBT Normal / Special Course for the work permit job in South Korea
- Skill Test Class with Korean language for EPS TOPIK Students/
- Basic Level Korean Language Class to Advance level Korean Language class for Students
- Skill Test Lab and Library are also available
- Japanese language- N5 , N4 , N3 , N2 , JLPT , NAT Test /j sort/Top J .Exam preparation class .
- English language-Fluency , Speaking ,Writing, Reading and listening for practical and professional language
- Chinese language- 3 Months Package course, Special class and normal class
- German language-A1, A2, B1, B2 class special class.
- Hebrew language-Special class and normal class
- Share Training –
- Auditing/Accountancy Training ( theoritical and practical ways
- Personality development training
- Computer Education
- Basic Course
- Diploma Course
- Advance Course
- Professional training of Hardware /Software Computer education with Computer LAB
10. SEE ( Secondary Education Examination)
11. Tuition- from SEE upto Master level
Subjects – Compulsory English, Major English
Maths ,Basic Maths , Bussiness Maths
Accounting , Finance , Science , Economics and others
- Extra academic workshop programme and Training